

Incel Movement: Hidden Prejudices in Conservative Men and the Safety of Dating Progressives

In recent years, the term “incel” has gained significant attention in public discourse. Short for “involuntary celibate,” the incel movement represents a subculture of individuals, primarily men, who harbor deep-seated resentment towards women due to their perceived inability to secure romantic or sexual relationships. This movement, often rooted in conservative ideologies, has exposed alarming prejudices and violent tendencies. As we delve into the intricacies of the incel movement and the hidden biases in conservative men, we will also explore why dating progressive men offers a safer and more respectful alternative.

Understanding the Incel Movement

The incel movement is not just a collection of isolated individuals; it is a community that thrives on shared grievances and toxic masculinity. Here’s a closer look at its key characteristics:

  1. Origins and Ideology: The term “incel” was originally coined in the 1990s by a woman to describe her own struggles with loneliness. However, over time, it has been co-opted by men who feel entitled to sexual relationships and blame women for their lack of success in dating. This has led to a dangerous ideology that dehumanizes women and promotes misogyny.
  2. Online Communities: Incels often congregate in online forums where they share their frustrations and reinforce each other’s negative beliefs. These communities can become echo chambers, amplifying harmful narratives and sometimes inciting violence against women.
  3. Notable Incidents: There have been several high-profile incidents involving self-identified incels who have committed acts of violence against women. These tragic events highlight the potential dangers of this ideology and its real-world implications.

Hidden Prejudices in Conservative Men

While not all conservative men subscribe to the incel ideology, there are underlying prejudices within certain conservative circles that can contribute to harmful attitudes towards women. Here are some ways these prejudices manifest:

  1. Traditional Gender Roles: Many conservative ideologies emphasize traditional gender roles, which can perpetuate the notion that men are entitled to women’s bodies and affection. This entitlement can lead to disrespect and disregard for women’s autonomy.
  2. Opposition to Feminism: Conservative men often view feminism as a threat to traditional values. This opposition can result in a lack of support for women’s rights and a tendency to downplay issues like sexual harassment and gender inequality.
  3. Victim Blaming: In conservative circles, there is often a tendency to blame victims of sexual assault or harassment rather than holding perpetrators accountable. This mindset can create a culture where women feel unsafe and unsupported.
  4. Hostility Towards LGBTQ+ Individuals: Conservative ideologies can also harbor prejudices against LGBTQ+ individuals, promoting an environment of intolerance and exclusion. This hostility further reinforces rigid gender norms and a lack of acceptance for diverse identities.

The Safety and Benefits of Dating Progressive Men

In contrast to the hidden prejudices and potential dangers associated with certain conservative ideologies, dating progressive men offers a more respectful and inclusive experience. Here’s why:

  1. Respect for Autonomy: Progressive men are more likely to respect women’s autonomy and view them as equals. This respect translates into healthier and more balanced relationships where both partners’ needs and desires are valued.
  2. Support for Feminism: Progressive men often identify as feminists and advocate for gender equality. This support fosters an environment where women’s rights and well-being are prioritized, making women feel safer and more empowered.
  3. Inclusivity and Acceptance: Progressive ideologies embrace diversity and inclusivity. This acceptance extends to relationships, where progressive men are more likely to be open-minded and supportive of their partners’ identities and choices.
  4. Emphasis on Consent: Progressive men tend to have a better understanding of the importance of consent and healthy boundaries. This awareness reduces the likelihood of coercive or abusive behavior and promotes mutual respect.
  5. Commitment to Social Justice: Progressive men are often committed to social justice causes, which reflects a broader concern for fairness and equality. This commitment can translate into more compassionate and empathetic relationships.

Introducing Lefty: Your Platform for Meeting Progressive Men

For those seeking to date progressive men who embody respect, equality, and inclusivity, Lefty is the ideal platform. Lefty is designed to connect like-minded individuals who share progressive values and a commitment to social justice. Here’s why Lefty stands out:

  • Progressive Community: Lefty attracts users who prioritize progressive values, ensuring that you can find partners who share your beliefs and goals.
  • Safe Environment: With robust safety measures in place, Lefty provides a secure and supportive space for women and all users.
  • Meaningful Connections: Lefty’s focus on shared values and genuine interactions fosters meaningful and lasting relationships.


The incel movement and hidden prejudices within certain conservative circles pose significant risks to women’s safety and well-being. In contrast, dating progressive men offers a more respectful, inclusive, and supportive experience. Platforms like Lefty provide the perfect space to meet progressive men who value equality and authenticity, making the dating world a safer and more fulfilling place for everyone. By choosing to date progressives, you’re not just finding a partner—you’re finding an ally in the fight for a more just and equitable world.


  1. The New Yorker – The Rage of the Incels
  2. The Guardian – Experts fear rising global ‘incel’ culture could provoke terrorism
  3. Huffpost – Revisiting The Historical Ignorance Of Conservatives

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